Photo Retake Day

Photo retake day is Friday, November 1st. This is for all students who missed the photo day in September or would like to have their photos redone. Order forms for picture packages are available in the office and must be handed to the photographer on picture day with full payment enclosed.

The Elementary Progress Report Card

The Elementary Progress Report Card will be coming home with students on Monday, November 4th, 2013.  For an overview of the Progrss Report please click here Elem – PPRC 2013-14 You will have the opportunity to meet with teachers on Thursday, November 7th during our Parent/Teacher Interviews. During the evening of Thursday, November 7th interviews will […]

School Council

Please join us this evening at our School Council meeting at 7:00 pm in the library. The focus of this meeting will be about ELL (English Language Learners). All are welcome.

Newcomer Mothers’ Group

Please come and meet other mothers who are new to Canada. We will gather as a community to share our questions, concerns and knowledge. At our first Mothers’ Group we will learn more about Sunnyside PS and discuss what we would like to do at Mothers’ Group this year. We will share a light supper of […]

Sunnyside Food Drive

Student Council will be doing HALLOWEEN FOR HUNGER again this year. It will run from October 21st to November 1st. Each homeroom is encouraged to fill at least one box with food items which will go to families in need over the holidays. The class that fills the most boxes will win a prize. It […]

Sunnyside Art Club

Do you enjoy art? Are you creative? Then the Sunnyside Art Club is for you. This club will run on Thursdays after school from 3:00-4:00pm from October 17th to November 28th in Room 6. If you wish to participate please pick up a permission form from Mrs. Mathers. Students will be allowed to participate on a first […]


Immunization Consent Forms are due back to the school on Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Immunizations will take place on Monday, October 7, 2013. Public Health will provide the Hepatitis B and Meningococcal immunizations for the Grade 7 students. Grade 8 female students are eligible for the Human Papillovamirus (HPV) vaccine. Students should eat a good breakfast […]

Terry Fox Run

ATTENTION SUNNYSIDE!! The Terry Fox Run is coming this Thursday, September 26. Terry didn’t get to finish his run and that is why we run every year in his memory. Please don’t forget to gather your pledges and bring in your toonie donations. Watch the poster outside the gym to see how we are doing […]

Picture Day

SMILE Thursday, September 12 is picture day. Order forms were sent home last week. If you wish to order a photo package the order form and payment must be given to the photographer on picture day.

Meet The Teacher Night

MEET THE TEACHER Please join us next Thursday, September 12th from 6:30-8 to meet our wonderful teachers and staff members!   Looking forward to seeing you there!!

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