Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery Expressions39

Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery will be showcasing the artwork of students in grades K-12 from the Waterloo Region from March 29 – April 27, 2014. The Opening Reception is on Sunday, March 30 from 2 – 5pm. The art gallery is located at 101 Queen Street North in Kitchener (inside Centre In The Square) 519-579-5860. Check […]

Rise to Success

The Board’s Parent Involvement Committee is pleased to hold its second full-day event for families of WRDSB students: RISE TO SUCCESS—Supporting Your Child in School on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Bluevale C.I.  The day’s sessions include a keynote address by Michael Reist, author of What Every Parent Should Know About School, and workshops on […]

Did You Miss Graduation Photo Day?

Grade 8 Graduation photos were taken on Monday, February 3rd. If you missed this opportunity see link below for information about the photo retake day at LifeTouch Studios. Graduation Photo Retake Day    

Payment for Year End Activities

Payment for all Year End Activities (with the exception of Montreal) are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Cash or cheque (payable to Sunnyside PS) will be accepted.

Graduation Photos

Grad photos for all Grade 8 students will take place on Monday, February 3, 2014. Order forms for the class composite have been sent home. If you wish to order a class composite please bring payment on February 3rd. Cheques are payable to Lifetouch Canada. Individual portrait packages will be available to order when you receive […]

Mental Health Evening

Please see the attached flyer for information about a Mental Health information evening for parents hosted by Stanley Park P.S.  All parents are welcome!   mental health flyer

Year End Elective Trip to Montreal

Elective booklets regarding the options available for our Year End Activities were sent home before the Christmas break. If you are interested in your child participating in the trip to Montreal in June, please plan to attend an Information Night on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30pm in the Sunnyside School Library.

December 20

As you may be aware, the Waterloo Region District School Board’s school year calendar has designated December 20, 2013, as a Professional Development Day. Students will not be at school on this day. For those families who have children attending the Before And After School Programs, those programs will be operating as usual from 7:00 […]

Newcomer Mothers’ Group

For all mothers who are new to Canada, please come and join us on Tuesday, December 17th from 5:00-7:00 pm as we gather as a community to share our questions, concerns and knowledge. Guest speaker from Focus for Ethnic Women will be discussing employment and women’s issues. We will share a light supper of food from many […]

An Evening with with Dr. Ross Greene

A Presentation for Parents, Caregivers, Educators and Community hosted by the Waterloo Region District School Board. An Evening with Dr. Ross Greene Understanding Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) Thursday, January 16, 2014, 7pm Eastwood Collegiate Auditorium 760 Weber Stree East Kitchener (parking available in lot at the back of the school) To get your free […]

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